Synthesis Report
On Saturday 28 October 2023, the members of the Synod adopted the Synthesis Report, which can be found here. It summarises the discussions and debates of the past weeks, with contributions from all levels of the Church. It includes a summary of the convergences, matters for consideration and proposals for each of the major themes discussed.
Letter of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops to the People of God
Participants in the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops have approved a Letter to the People of God giving thanks for their experience, detailing the work of the past few weeks, and expressing the hope that in the coming months, everyone will be able to "concretely participate in the dynamism of missionary communion indicated by the word 'synod'". It was published on 25th October 2023 and can be found here.
Evangelii Gaudium –
Preparing for the Jubilee Year in Faith and Prayer
- Evangelii Gaudium Sunday calls us to be joyous in proclaiming our faith. “Evangelii Gaudium” is Latin for “Joy of the Gospel. The day supports the work carried out by the Mission Directorate on behalf of the Bishops’ Conference.
- Reflecting on the four Constitutions of the Second Vatican Council in 2023.
- Deepening our prayer life, with a special focus on the Lord’s Prayer, in 2024.
A range of resources are being prepared for the Year of Prayer in 2024 which include a course on the Lord’s Prayer from small groups for Lent, encouragement to try different ways of praying from the tradition of the Church. The Mission Directorate will be supporting the Jubilee co-ordinator appointed by each diocese.
Fact sheet
The second collection of Evangelii Gaudium Sunday supports the work carried out by the Mission Directorate on behalf of the Bishops’ Conference. In the last year this has included:
- Enabling the recording of the videos on the four constitutions.
- Bringing together a working group from across England and Wales to prepare materials for the Jubilee Year 2025 and Year of Prayer 2024.
- Supporting Patrimony experts to deliver funding to 39 projects at outstanding Grade I and II* Catholic churches with the £6.6million awarded to the Catholic Bishops’ Conference via Historic England through the governments’ Culture Recovery Fund in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
- Supporting co-ordinators and their teams in dioceses through formation and sharing of best practice.