The British Pop group Mc Fly are back with a new hit song Happiness, One of Mc Fly’s most popular songs has a chorus that runs its all about you . It is a catchy number. We are prone to put Our self at the centre of any situation. We think that it is always about us, but?
Joseph Donders SMA recalls an incident as a seminary student in Rome in the 1950s. It was chilly night in Rome. He with others went to the home of an extremely poor immigrant family. The family lived in a shelter made our of card board boxes, flattened petrol cans in the Valle del’Inferno, (The valley of Hell) by the walls of Vatican City. They had gone to give a blanket to a mother and child. The neighbours saw what they did ,and immediately began to complain. It was unfair why hadn’t Joseph and his friends brought them all blankets. The students tried to explain that giving a blanket to a needy family with a frail child did not automatically create a right for everybody to have one. But it was no use the neighbours were angry because the students had shown kindness’ to others. God hears many such complaints Why are others healthy ,while I am sick and in pain Why do others seem happy, while I am so miserable Why did she have to die so young and not live into old age, like most people. These are bitter ,heartfelt cries that no welfare system can quieten. Our Sunday Gospel parable, (Matthew 20:1-16) addresses this problem. Everything is a gift from God and no-one has an a priori right to any -thing . Every-thing is a gift from God. We are called to gratitude for what we have. When Jesus tells us the last will be first.. he does not intend to set up a queuing system for Gods gifts or rewards . He is reminding his listeners That In Gods eyes, the first and last are brothers and sisters who all stand before God as friends and equals. Its not all about Us- its all about God. That’s Happiness. Mgr Jim
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January 2025