We are starting a group for young Catholic couples to help build friendships and community in the parish. Once we form the group we can decide what activities we do. Suggestions include meals together, games nights and social exercise. We looking forward to hearing from you! If you’re interested in being involved please email Ellen on [email protected]
Caritas Ukraine and Caritas Poland are working on the ground.
They have asked us to donate direct to the central appeal fund: AUGB Ltd, 80038237,20-65-89, with reference HelpUkraine. Or you can donate to the Disasters Emergency Committee appeal (The Catholic agency CAFOD is part of the committee) https://www.dec.org.uk/ or through Aid To the Church In Need https://acnuk.org Thank you for your kind generosity. This year, we celebrate 10 years of Caritas Westminster, the social action agency of the Diocese, working with parishes to restore hope, and enable people to lead a life of dignity and worth. Funds raised in this year’s Cardinal’s Lenten Appeal will be shared between parishes and Caritas Westminster. Cardinal Nichols has expressed his gratitude to everyone who supports the Appeal, with whatever they can.
Please take a donation envelope. You can use the QR code to make your donation online. Thank you for your generosity. Please come and join us for the Stations of the Cross during the season of Lent. Every Friday at 6.30 pm, commencing on Friday 4th March till Good Friday.
CAFOD’s Walk Against Hunger Lent challenge
There are 200 million children in the world whose lives are at risk from malnutrition. This Lent, challenge yourself to walk 200km, and help give hunger its marching orders. Do 5k a day, your way, for 40 days, get sponsored and you’ll conquer your 200km target in time for Easter – and help people around the world to live free from hunger. To find out more or take part, go to cafod.org.uk/walk. Family Fast Day Friday 11th March This Family Fast Day, we remember that there are many people who need our love and support all around the world. Children experiencing malnutrition like Amie’s daughter Lombeh did in Sierra Leone or as we are seeing now in Ukraine, families affected by conflict. Your small act of love can make big things happen. Donations to CAFOD this Lent will reach families around the world, enabling local experts to provide support to families in times of need or conflict. You can donate in church using a CAFOD envelope or by visiting the CAFOD website: cafod.org.uk/lent Starting from this Sunday 6th of March, and initially carry on once a month during the months of March and April, we will be offering coffee and biscuits after the 10.30am Mass. We are most grateful to the hospitality team who make this possible. If you would like to be part of the team, let Nada and Annalisa know on Sunday morning.
Many thanks, Nada and Annalisa Following Olivier Latry's spectacular opening concert on the new Grand Organ at Our Lady of Victories, the next concert in our Grand Organ Inauguration Festival will be by Wayne Marshall, on Friday 29 April 2022 at 19h30, with another big screen projection. Tickets (from £10) are available now at https://wayne-marshall.eventbrite.co.uk. Here is a video of Wayne improvising for the inauguration of the organ at the Philharmonie de Paris: https://youtu.be/pU9h1hKEBOA