Notice: This Event has been Cancelled. Sorry for any Inconvenience this may cause.
Saturday December 11th OLOV and the Society of St. Vincent DePaul will be hosting it's Annual Christmas Party for the Elderly. It will be held from 12pm to 3pm in the Parish Centre. Please join us for a Roast Turkey and trimmings lunch, Christmas Carols and more. If you would like to join us, there is a sign up sheet in back of Church or call 07720 289326.
It is with a heavy heart that Glass Door has taken the decision to not open communal night shelters this winter. Unfortunately, despite all our best efforts over many months to provide a COVID-safe environment, staff and trustees felt the risks are too great. The transmissibility of the new Omicron variant and the related changes to self-isolation rules were important factors in our decision.
We will continue to do all we can to ensure those in need of a safe home receive support to leave homelessness behind, and we will continue to push for increased government-provided accommodation to be made available for everyone. As part of the Westminster Synodal Pathway we are invited to join Bishop Nicholas Hudson at a Listening Event on Wednesday 8th December, 7.00pm – 9.00pm, at Westminster Cathedral Hall, Ambrosden Avenue, London SW1P 1QJ. Pope Francis has invited the worldwide Church to a time of listening – of listening deeply to each other as we walk side by side, sharing our stories of faith. Here in our local Church, our Diocese, this is just what we are doing. This Listening Event is an opportunity to listen, to share, and to dream about the Church we are called to be. All are welcome, and places can be booked by emailing [email protected].