Dear Parishioners, Find here a letter from our Archbishop. In the letter the Cardinal Nichols urges us to pray. During this time of pandemic we are invited to share in an ecumenical initiative. Christians in England are asked to pause for prayer at 6pm each day. It can be for a moment of silent reflection, the Our Father or the Angelus prayer. At 6pm we pray for each other and for end to the pandemic. The Catholic community will keep a vigil on the eve of the Feast of Christ the King (21st November) as a day of prayer for the ending of this pandemic. Thank you to all who wrote to your MP expressing our profound misgivings about the closure of our Churches and other places of worship for public worship. Nevertheless, it is important that we, as responsible citizens, observe these Regulations, which have the force of law: ‘Remind them to be obedient to the officials in authority; to be ready to do good at every opportunity’ (Titus 3:1). We do this in solidarity with so many others on whom are being imposed restrictions which impact severely on their lives and livelihoods. It is also important to recognise that these Regulations are not an attack on religious belief. However, they do demonstrate a fundamental lack of understanding of the essential contribution made by faith communities to the well-being, resilience and health of our society. At this difficult moment, we as a Catholic community, will make full use of our churches as places of individual prayer and sources of solace and help. We can sustain each other in our patterns of prayer, joining the national shared moment of prayer each day at 6pm, And also in our practical service and support of each other and those around us in need. This pathway of prayer and service is the royal road we are to take as a witness in our society today This weekend we mark Remembrance Sunday. It is a 100 years since an unknown warrior was borne to Westminster Abbey to be buried among monarchs, national heroes and famous and. In his burial the nation sought to honour all who gave and lost their lives in in the War. Lest we forget. Mgr Jim Curry. News Items:
Mass times without a congregation: Mass broadcast live, Saturday 6.00pm, Sunday 9.30 am. All Masses will be recorded and available immediately after broadcast. Church will be open on Sunday form 10.30 am to 12.30 for personal prayer. During the week days Mass is broadcast at 9.30 am and church will be open from 10.00 am onwards. November dead list. Envelopes are available for your Mass offerings and your list of names of deceased family, friends and those you wish to remember. The names are placed near the Altar and Mass is offered daily for our dead in the Month of November. In addition Masses are offered monthly through the year for the Holy souls . Primary school applications: Catholic Certificate of Practice. If you are applying for Primary school and need a Certificate of Catholic Practice. Phone the parish office to arrange an appointment with Mgr Jim. Confirmation 2021: Confirmation registration for 2021 is now open. Candidates for confirmation should be in year 9 and have Our Lady of Victories as their common place of worship. Please contact parish office at [email protected] for the registration form and other information. Mutual Aid: Mutual Aid Kensington and Chelsea was formed in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Mutual Aid is a not-for-profit and non-political group of local residents providing neighbour-to-neighbour support. The primary aim of Mutual Aim, during the first wave of the pandemic, was to provide local support to those vulnerable/shielding residents in need of shopping or medication collection. The ongoing economic impact of Covid-19 could leave an estimated 15,500 RBKC residents at a sudden loss of income. Many of these residents will have no experience with connecting with local support services. Mutual Aid’s Platform Website helps signpost residents to the information, resources, and networks they will need in this challenging time. It will do this through: The platform Portal – An online one stop-shop portal hosting on Mutual Aid website for key Covid-19 support available to residents on money, housing, health and wellbeing, your rights, and jobs and re-training. The Platform is now live On Tuesday 6th October the first St Cuthbert Mutual Aid Platform Connect Lunches was launched at St Cuthbert’s Church, Earl’s Court by RBKC Mayor, Cllr. Gerard Hargreaves. We invite residents who may be facing hardship as a result of furlough or redundancy and who may need a space to think or want to find out information about what’s happening, what support is available, or just socialise over a meal. This is a pilot scheme for the Central and South of the RBKC. To book a place visit: or visit These meals would not be possible without the generous support of Volunteer Centre K&C, Gurdwara in Notting Hill, and the Reverend Paul Bagott and the Parish of St Cuthbert’s, Earl’s Court.
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